Annie oakley of harlem. Annie Oakley turned her marksmanship skills into worldwide fame. Annie oakley of harlem

 Annie Oakley turned her marksmanship skills into worldwide fameAnnie oakley of harlem  Add to Favorites Annie Oakley photograph print poster vintage western wall decor gun owner gift art girl woman shooter wild west badass sharpshooter

1, 1853, articles were signed, with a purse of $2,000, the site to be within 100 mi. Annie Oakley 25 Low. It is a matter of record, however, that Oakley’s first performance as part of Butler’s act was on May 1, 1882, and that afterward, she adopted the stage name “Annie Oakley. He became entangled in the rope and was thrown to the. Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brooks (June 7, 1917 – December 3, 2000) was an American poet, author, and teacher. Besides Buffalo Bill himself, the Wild West show starred sharpshooter Annie Oakley and, for one run, Chief Sitting Bull. Annie Oakley made her first shot at 8 years old. Wilson. Josh Cobb/News Tribune photo: Natalie Newberry as Annie Oakley performs her part of the song "Anything You Can Do" during The Little Theatre's rehearsal for the play "Annie Get Your Gun" on. She was born Phoebe Anne Moses on August 13, 1860, in Darke County, Ohio. Two-page text story, "Way Out West!" Cover art by Syd Shores. On 20 April 1972, New York City police officer Philip Cardillo (32), died in the hospital of a gunshot wound inflicted six days earlier during an incident at a Harlem mosque. Margaret Johnson was the grandchild of Harlem gangster Bumpy Johnson and his wife, Mayme Johnson. Born to Shoot. Annie Oakley, whose real name was Phoebe Ann Mosey, was born on August 13, 1860. Her father died of pneumonia in1966 plunging the. footloose and fancy free. 1. ft. She was the toast of Victorian London, New York, and Paris. Format BN. The sixteenth novel in the magical alternate history Elemental Masters series follows sharpshooter Annie Oakley as she tours Europe and discovers untapped powers. Born in Darke County, Ohio on August 13, 1860, Annie Oakley’s birth name was Phoebe Ann Mosey. The greatest exhibition shooter of all time—male or female—was a young woman from Darke County, Ohio: Annie Oakley (1860-1926). He developed a shooting act with his performing partner John Graham, and when Graham fell ill the sharpshooter Annie Oakley stood in for him. Chapman. Annie Oakley preparing for 'Second Day of Spring'. Andy Warhol Annie Oakley screenprint from the Cowboys and Indians Series, 1986 shows the sharpshooter ready for a performance, donning a hat and adorned with copious medals on her chest. Central City, Colorado Contributor Names Highsmith, Carol M. She was the toast of Victorian London, New York, and Paris. Library of Congress Childhood. Stories by Hank Chapman, Ross Andru, Mike Esposito, and Sid Check. Annie Oakley has always suspected there is something "uncanny" about herself, but has never been able to put a name to it. Hunter Biden. woman in space — also the youngest American in space — inspired generations of women who were blown away by the pleasant-seeming. Em 1922, a União Astronômica Internacional adotou. The Harlem Railroad had just been built, so Boston Corner was accessible. In 1961, Hawkins was voted into the Academy of Motion. She was later sent to. Not long after that she retired from the Wild West Show. Blandt hendes specielle evner var, at hun kunne træffe kanten af et spillekort på 90 fods afstand, en mønt kastet op i luften og. Annie Oakley - Episode 38 _Annie and the Junior Pioneers_ (Mar 27, 1955). Both men were experienced in the design and manufacture of. Greenville, Ohio. When she was six, her father died of pneumonia after being out in the blizzard once. She starred for several years in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Over time, the products gained popularity, and the small. Annie Oakley (born Phoebe Ann Mosey; August 13, 1860 – November 3, 1926) was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. mp4 downloadBack in a time before streaming services and the Internet, one of the main sources of entertainment during the late 1800s and early 1900s was vaudeville show. Margaret Johnson is the granddaughter of Harlem gangster Bumpy Johnson and his wife, Mayme Johnson. The production team would like to acknowledge the following books: Annie Oakley by Shirl Kasper -- The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley by Glenda Riley -- and Buffalo Bill's Wild West by R. As. Annie Oakley thrilled millions but never lost her feminine ways. Alan Hale Jr. Inspired by famous and fierce sharpshooter Annie Oakley, this girl name pick is far. She and her husband Frank Butler, also a sharpshooter, performed in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Oakley and her husbandGeorge Stevens, (born December 18, 1904, Oakland, California, U. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann (Annie) Mosey on August 13, 1860, in a cabin less than two miles (3. (Denver Public Library) Share This Article. January 30, 1847 – November 21, 1926) was an Irish American marksman who performed in Wild West variety shows. " — Queen Victoria to Annie OakleyHer life was the stuff of legend — from humble Quaker origins in Darke County, Ohio, Annie Oakley (nee Phoebe Ann Moses) rose to the heights of renown as a world-famous entertainer and featured performer with Buffalo Bill's Wild West extravaganza. Josephine Baker is often remembered simply as the woman who danced wearing nothing but a skirt of bananas in Paris during the 1920’s. Annie Oakley one of the best shots of all time with rifle and pistol. The production team would like to acknowledge the following books: Annie Oakley by Shirl Kasper -- The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley by Glenda Riley -- and Buffalo Bill's Wild West by R. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry on May 1, 1950, for Annie Allen, making her the first African American to receive a Pulitzer Prize. Butler (1847–1926). Self: Actors' Fund Field Day. was an American actor and restauranteur who had a net worth equal to $6 million at the time of his death. Courtney Ryley. The film is based on the life of Annie Oakley . Annie Oakley. shows. GPS coordinates are 38. "I aim to misbehave. Annie, acting as his executor, begins a search for the missing heir and soon two beautiful young women arrive claiming to be the long-lost child. The meaning of ANNIE OAKLEY is a free ticket. Despite her great fame, the popular image of Annie Oakley is far from true. In honor of her birthday, here are 11 facts about Oakley, the Little Sure Shot of the Wild West. She was one of the greatest sharpshooters of all time, thrilling crowds across America andOakley. According to relatives, books and exhibits in the Annie Oakley wing of the Garst Museum in Greenville, Annie's shooting skill blossomed out of necessity when she was eight years old. How such a report started, I do not know. Her husband died on the 21st of November of the same year. Butler, whom she later married. By Surname Arts. Web. In Annie Oakley by Charles M. Sitelinks. Annie Oakley was his most celebrated protégée, the 'slip of a girl' from Ohio who could (and did) outshoot anybody to become the most celebrated star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. It was Annie Oakley's time abroad that helped make Oakley a star at home. From Words We Mean. Annie Oakley lied about her age. In 2012, an auction of items owned by Oakley brought in over half a million dollars: a shotgun used on the 1887 European tour went for $143,400 and even her stetson hat reached $17,925. Among other performances, the young upstart demonstrated the Winchester repeating rifle to. FEATURED MURAL Harlem Nights in Palatka. . She starred for several years in Buffalo Bill's Wild. It was just the place. 3. In this sweeping dual biography, Larry McMurtry explores the lives, the legends and above all the truth about two larger-than-life American figures. 156′ W. Sadly, Annie's father died from pneumonia when Annie was just five years old!Do You Remember. News of her death spread throughout the world and saddened the entire United States. 28, 2 p. During her lifetime she traveled with her husband across the country and abroad showing off her skills with a rifle. Childhood. Network (s): syndicated ( US) Run time: 30 min. Directions: Go 1/2 mile south of Brock, Ohio on Greenville-St. Bumpy Johnson and Margaret Johnson are the true daughters of Elise Johnson and Mayme Johnson. Jack Frost, who later set up the shooting match between Frank and Annie, said: “The last opponent Butler expected was a five-foot-tall, 15-year-old girl named Annie. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses on August 13, 1860 in Darke County, Ohio. The woman, the myth, the legend. The sharpshooter known as Annie Oakley was actually born Phoebe Ann Mosey on August 13, 1860 in a rural Ohio cabin. Her work often dealt with the personal celebrations and struggles of ordinary people in her community. Reproduction is prohibited. Annie Oakley. Dorothy Fields (July 15, 1904 – March 28, 1974) was an American librettist and lyricist. 20 Influential Hispanic Americans Who Made History. Oakley was the sixth of seven children. 2. Born Phoebe Ann Moses in Darke County, Ohio, on August 13, 1860, Annie Oakley was not exactly a product of the Wild West. She was one of the superstars of the era and an all-time musical great. He tosses up new targets, and she hits those too. Annie Oakley was the name she was best known by. ABC aired daytime. "Little Sure Shot," as she was nicknamed by Sitting Bull, truly had a one-of-a-kind life. The icon indicates free access to the linked research on JSTOR. Annie Oakley demonstrates her revolveer prowess. 589740, -76. Shaped by a difficult childhood of loss, poverty and hard labor Oakley began. He died of pneumonia in 1866. — Tom Slater, Historian for Heritage Auctions. Children. Oakley at different football, basketball, and. She died in her home state in 1926, and three weeks later her husband and performance partner Frank Butler also died. Annie Oakley, 1860 - 1926 Marker. Annie Oakley (August 13, 1860 – November 3, 1926), born Phoebe Ann Moses, was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. Due to political. 30 Jan. 2. 2017. Her parents were subsistence farmers and Quakers. Cute nicknames for your little acorn include Oak, Oaks, or Lee. After missing on his 25th shot, Butler lost the match and the bet. In. At age 10, she was sent to. 8. 83. Annie Oakley Facts 1. Oakley mengembangkan keterampilan berburu sejak kecil untuk menunjang keluarganya yang miskin di barat Ohio. “Annie Oakley was arguably America’s first female superstar, touring the U. View Gallery. Annie Oakley, born Phoebe Ann Moses, was born on August 13, 1860, in Ohio. Jakob Moses Died (Winter 1866) In the winter of 1866, Jakob Moses was caught in a blizzard. Phoebe Ann Mosey was born to a poor family in rural Darke County, OH in 1860. c1889. A fictionalized account of the life of legendary Wild West sharpshooter Annie Oakley. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses on August 13, 1860 in Darke. Graham danced and taught for over seventy years. The five-foot-tall. +. Butler, whom she later married. Combine several high-proof liquors, such as 160-proof Devil’s Springs vodka, 151-proof Bacardi 151 rum, Southern Comfort or just about anything else into plastic bottles. Wikimedia Commons Annie Oakley is a famous markswoman known for her sharpshooting. footloose. Her husband, Frank E. . 2. Almost 66 years after her death, Annie Oakley's spirit looms big in North Carolina folklore. Annie Oakley 8X10 Photo Picture Image Wild West Woman female girl sharp shooter Buffalo BIll show performer gun rifle western black white 17 (41) $ 11. Butler – a travelling marksman who was performing in the city with the Baughman & Butler shooting act. The house is on Bellevue Road in Cambridge just before it turns left and becomes Maple Avenue. After her father died in a. She was "adopted" by Indian chief Sitting Bull, charmed the Prince of Prussia, and entertained the likes of Oscar Wilde. Annie Oakley Quotes About Men And. Both parents were of English descent. Born Phoebe Ann Moses in 1860 in rural Ohio, Annie Oakley became one of the most famous female entertainers of her day, performing for many years with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. L. Frank Butler. From an early age, Annie showed an. Annie Oakley made her first shot at 8 years old. Annie Oakley. and the world in the late 1800s and early 20th century and demonstrating her legendary Wild West sharp-shooting skills. Annie Oakley, Mrs. 128 pages, Paperback. Annie Oakley, born Phoebe Ann Moses, was born on August 13, 1860, in Ohio. They had selected on the wrong person, though, as she quickly pulled out her . 1,168 ratings148 reviews. Se. At age 10, she was sent to. She was an amazing shot. What you see: A Stevens model 44 . A close-up view of the engraved Stevens Model 44 . Another officer involved said he had seen one of the mosque's congregants, Louis 17X Dupree, standing over Cardillo with a gun pointed at his chest. The self-described "Annie Oakley of the Airwaves," has hosted the nationally syndicated The Roth Show, a conservative political commentary program, since 2003 on KQNT in Spokane. Ela também descobriu 300 estrelas variáveis , cinco novas e uma estrela binária espectroscópica. Ella Fitzgerald’s voice featured prominently on the 1940s musical soundtrack. Annie Oakley. Great location! 8. Annie Oakley. Annie Oakley, whose real name was Phoebe Ann Mosey, was born on August 13, 1860, in Darke County, Ohio. Butler (1850–1926) (m. When we saw Mrs. in Montpelier. In this comprehensive biography Shirl Kasper sets the record straight, giving us an accurate, honest, and compelling portrait of the woman known as “Little Sure Shot. He is a distinguished trial lawyer with 30 years experience in multi-forum litigation. She had a number of nicknames including "Little Sure Shot", "Watanya Cicilla", and "Miss Annie Oakley. 01:54. Francis E. Sally Ride (1951–2012) NASA. His will leaves everything to his daughter who he hadn't seen in years. Annie Oakley was born on August 13, 1860, in a cabin in Woodland, Darke County, Ohio. The Remington Beals was a very rare rifle. The production team would like to acknowledge the following books: Annie Oakley by Shirl Kasper -- The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley by Glenda Riley -- and Buffalo Bill's Wild West by R. The 'Little Sure Shot' of the 'Wild West. S. Her self. Butler, was a noted marksman who toured. 98. During hard times, she helped support. About 1893, the Stevens Firearms Company of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, built a Model 44 lever-action rifle (. During the first season, Annie Oakley, the sharpshooter, was with the troupe; she almost missed. By 1885 Oakley was a star. ” Bumpy Johnson had a daughter, Elise Johnson. A modern-day historian finds herself enmeshed with the life of Annie Oakley, in an dual-timeline novel exploring the concept of revenge and changing one's past/path. Dalam usia 15 tahun, ia memenangkan kontes menembak melawan penembak jitu berpengalaman. In eighteen eighty-two, Annie took the name Oakley. She was born to Susan Wise and Jacob Mosey and was the sixth born of her father but ninth of her mother. According to Shirl Kasper’s Annie Oakley, later in life she would write that she was born in 1866. Throughout her childhood, things were pretty meager for her family, with her mother being twice widowed. Gr 3-5-Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses in 1860 in Ohio. Annie Oakley turned her marksmanship skills into worldwide fame. Self: Actors' Fund Field Day. Annie took her first shot at age eight. S. Butler ( bapt. On 20 April 1972, New York City police officer Philip Cardillo (32), died in the hospital of a gunshot wound inflicted six days earlier during an incident at a Harlem mosque. (Frank) Butler (1847–1926) was a wild west variety show performer. The performance is part of Turner's 58-show. Annie Oakley 1:30pm 2:00pm The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island (1981) 2:30pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 3:35pm Walt Disney World Inside Out Episode 4 4:00pm The Night Train to Kathmandu (1988) 4:30pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 5:50pm The Disney Channel Salutes the American Teacher 6:00pm Faerie Tale Theatre RumpelstiltskinAnnie Oakley Season 1 Episodes. As depicted in the film, Annie Oakley, born Phoebe Anne Oakley Moses in 1860, was a markswoman who first toured circus and vaudeville circuits, and from 1885 to 1902 was a star attraction in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. Annie Oakley: With Gail Davis, Brad Johnson, Jimmy Hawkins, Bob Woodward. She died in her home state in 1926, and three weeks later her husband and performance partner Frank Butler also died. She was the first dancer to perform at the White House, travel abroad as a cultural ambassador, and. 20 Influential Hispanic Americans Who Made History. Annie Oakley is an American Western television series that fictionalizes the life of the famous Annie Oakley. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses in 1860 in rural Darke County, Ohio. S. Sadly, Annie Oakley died on November 3, 1926, in her hometown, Greenville, Ohio. The early years of her life brought great tragedy; Oakley’s father passed away of pneumonia, leaving the family with a financial crisis. However, Elise left the world when her daughter was very young. Miss Fury. Known for her distinctive, powerful voice, and her leading roles in musical theater, [1] she has been called "the undisputed First Lady of the musical comedy stage. 11 Notable Artists from the Harlem Renaissance. Childhood. The band is offering an ethereal first listen of the album with. 36 pages, full color. Budget. Her rise to fame began when she joined Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West in 1885. (Except for depicting the protagonist as a phenomenal sharpshooter of the period, the program entirely ignores the facts of the historical Oakley's life. At the age of 15 she shot a match at Cincinnati, Ohio with Frank Butler whom she later married. Blessed with a natural talent for sharp-shooting, Annie Oakley proved herself dominant in a sport that was long considered a man's domain. Born Phoebe Ann Moses in Ohio in 1860. Annie Oakley’s contribution to the popularity of the wild west show is well documented. Annie taught herself to shoot and took to the woods of Greenville, Ohio, to hunt quail, which she would sell at the. Western Tales of action and adventure starring the famous female sharpshooter, Annie Oakley. Laurie Roth — the "Annie Oakley" of the airwaves — is a nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host. Located at 28 Bellevue Avenue on a prime corner facing Hambrooks Bay, the house was built by. 7. But her life was far from simple. Rwanda Genocide Timeline. 1, 1853, articles were signed, with a purse of $2,000, the site to be within 100 mi. Oakley, Annie (1860–1926)Sharpshooter and equestrian who helped create the image of the self-reliant frontierswoman in late 19th-century America. His acting career spans the time frame from 1944-1974, after which he devoted. The series starred Gail Davis as Annie Oakley, with Brad Johnson as Deputy Sheriff Lofty Craig and Jimmy Hawkins as Annie's little brother, Tagg Oakley; Hawkins. 357 magnum and shot him twice in the elbow; he was arrested by police shortly. Close up of bronze plaque. She was "adopted" by Indian chief Sitting Bull, charmed the Prince of Prussia, and entertained th. → Subscribe for new videos at least twice a week!April 1885, Annie Oakley, now under her husband’s management, joined “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild West Show. Andy Griffith Show Complete TV Series. 1. No, not the first time, not the second time and maybe not the third. . When Annie was five, her father died, and Annie's mother, Susan Wise Moses, worked long and hard at nursing to support her six children. "You are a very, very clever little girl. She was the daughter of Jacob and Susan Mosey, Quakers who raised seven children. Lillian Smith was a crack riflewoman 11 years younger than Annie. with clear instructions and illustrations. Oakley lost both her father and a. At the age of 15, her sharpshooting skills saw. Annie Oakley (1948 Atlas) #9. Alvin Show Cartoon Collection. Edison. Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. She was Annie Oakley, and she was one. 44-40 caliber factory-made, smooth bore rifle that Annie Owned. She won numerous medals for her marksmanship, performed for royalty, and remains a legendary figure of the American West. She is also known as The Annie Oakley of Harlem. Annie Oakley in Europe. Billed as “Miss Annie Oakley, the Peerless Lady Wing-Shot,” she was one of the show’s star attractions for 16 years, except for a brief period in 1887, when she was with the rival Pawnee Bill’s Frontier Exhibition. Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file. She learned to shoot at the age of eight with her father’s old 40-inch cap and ball Kentucky rifle. In April 1885, Annie Oakley, now under her husband’s management, joined “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild West Show. 15 Badass Facts About Annie Oakley That Prove She Could Outshoot Any Man. Besides Buffalo Bill himself, the Wild West show starred sharpshooter Annie Oakley and, for one run, Chief Sitting Bull. Marker is in Oakley, Kansas, in Logan County. 13-15 in Cambridge, Dorchester County. Her legacy still lasts to this day. In this comprehensive biography Shirl Kasper sets the record straight, giving us an accurate, honest, and compelling portrait of the woman known as “Little Sure Shot. Check out Squarespace: for 10% off on your first purchase. Annie Oakley infront of her tent in Europe. com Bumpy Johnson Daughter: Elease Johnson, also known as The Annie Oakley of Harlem. Unknown to Toby, Annie is a crack shot who stuns the crowd with her sure-handed marksmanship. Subject HeadingsPart of Annie Oakley's appeal was the contradiction of her as "a sweet little girl – yet a sharpshooter of matchless ability," Kasper wrote. This is a rare video of Annie Oakley performing, which I found during my researching process and found fascinating. The program is broadcast weekdays from the studios of flagship station KSBN in Spokane to over 50 stations nationwide. Text was copied from Home page at Public Domain Super Heroes wiki, which is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. It’s easy enough to grab a snapshot from the road, so don’t be jerks and annoy the owners by. Did you know?Annie Oakley was probably the most famous marksman/woman in the world when this short clip was produced in Edison's Black Maria studio in West Orange, New Jersey. Not bad for a poor kid from the sticks of Ohio. Dickson. In the Old West, handling rifles and shotguns was never a woman’s job. , when Brenda Arnett, local historian and expert on Annie Oakley, presents, Annie. Sponsored by the Dorchester County Public Library, the jamboree features a wide variety. Performances are at 7:30 p. But it. Annie Oakley is an American Western television series that fictionalizes the life of the famous Annie Oakley. Her life spanned a time of dramatic cultural change in the United States, and some of the most important years of the women's movement. Her portrayal concentrated on Oakley’s early years and. Butler ( bapt. Service-minded staff will welcome and guide you at Annie Oakley Motel Oakley. . In this sweeping dual biography, Larry McMurtry explores the lives, the legends and above all the truth about two larger-than-life American figures. Annie Oakley was only 15-years-old when she paid off her family's farm. By the time he was 16,. Phoebe Ann (Annie) Moses was born in a log cabin in rural northwest Ohio, the sixth of seven children of Jacob and Susan Moses. Oakley even shot a seven-foot rattlesnake on one outing, according to the Kasper biography. org comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a CommentAnnie Oakley, the famous sharpshooter and star performer in Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West, used a wide variety of firearms during her life. She was neither a swaggering western gal nor a sweet little girl. Not long ago, Annie Oakley died, and bequeathed to the famous comedian, Fred Stone, her diaries and personal papers. It's a two-story Colonial Revival home whose red-brick façade and glossy black shutters look nearly new. Courtney Riley Cooper’s Annie Oakley: Woman at Arms presented a fairly authentic Annie Oakley and emphasized her benevolence, her hard-working character, and her high achievement. That is evident in her shooting contest against Butler. “Oakley” was her stage name. Annie Oakley, (August 13, 1860 – November 3, 1926), born Phoebe Ann Mosey, was an American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. "Shame on her, she knows better. Dalam usia 15 tahun, ia memenangkan kontes menembak melawan penembak jitu. World famous sharpshooter Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses August 13, 1860 in a log cabin 1028 feet due east of here on land that had been in the Swallow family line for 127 years at the time this memorial was dedicated in June 1981 by the Annie Oakley. " [2] She performed on Broadway in Anything Goes, Annie Get. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Mosey (or Phoebe Ann Moses) on Aug. Elise was the true daughter of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson. 13, 1860, the sixth of eight children. Annie had a very interesting childhood. The premise of nutcrackers is a simple one. TV’s first female heroine was Gail Davis. Annie Oakley was a competitive woman resolved to be the best, and she succeeded. In 1848, at the age of 16, she married Jacob Mosey, who was 33 years her senior. Enlarge image. Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses in 1860 in rural Darke County, Ohio. Her sisters called her Annie (she was the fifth of seven surviving children). Annie Oakley’s Birthplace Marker. the only free cheese is in the mousetrap. Late in her life, she appeared in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show and at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition. One day she shot 4,472 of 5,000 glass balls tossed in midair, and she could shoot a dime out of the air at 90 feet. The couple joined Buffalo Bill in 1885, performing in. The politics were divided, and by April the following year, the country would be engaged in a violent civil war. (Except for depicting the protagonist as a phenomenal sharpshooter of the period, the program entirely ignores the facts of the historical Oakley's life. She came from a Quaker family and a childhood marred by poverty and. She was born in 1832 in Blair County, Pennsylvania. DK Biography: Annie Oakley: A Photographic Story of a Life (07/30/2007) by Chuck Wills. Edison Kinetoscope Records: Annie Oakley: Directed by William K. (1860-1926) a famous US sharpshooter (= expert at shooting accurately). Annie Oakley (oik. Phoebe Annie Anne Annie Oakley Butler (Mosey) aka Oakley, Moses (13 Aug 1860 - certain 3 Nov 1926) 0 references . (1860 – 1926) The actual history of the Old West is peppered with characters whose representation in fiction and show business far outstrip what would seem likely or even possible in real life.